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Courageously Toward Your Goals.


I provide psychiatry care, psychotherapy, and medication management for children, teens and adults. 


At this stage in life children are learning and growing all the time. They are ever exploring and full of energy. This should be a time of innocence and joy, but sometimes experiences happen that catapult children into situations that make things too big or scary for them to cope with. My goal is to give children the safe space they need to move through those big and scary times so they can get back to just being a kid. I wholeheartedly believe that play is the first way we learn to communicate, which is why I incorporates play, art, and other creative activities when working with children as much as possible. It is in these times of creative expression that children can be allowed to explore and share feelings they may not have consciously known existed. Through these discoveries, healing can begin to take place.

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Being a teenager is hard. At this stage in life they are starting to develop their identity, what they believe, and striving for more independence from their parents. With that has always come many social and developmental struggles. However, teens today are growing up in a much more complex environment, with more social and developmental struggles then ever dealt with before. Cyber bullying, constant access to technology, video games, social media overload, and the list goes on. These factors have heavily increased the amount of mental health issues among teens today. My goal is to equip teens with the tools they need to navigate through the highs and lows of growing up by providing a safe space that is all their own to communicate their thoughts, feelings, and needs. Although teens are not in the same developmental stage as children, I still find it useful to use creative expression such as art and play, in an age appropriate way, to help teens work through the variety of challenges they face.


The process of an adult psychiatric evaluation consists of detailed interview and review of past treatments. It is best if you can bring copies of previous medical records to facilitate the review. Alternatively, you can write up a timeline of your treatment, including dates or ages, medications with doses (if known), the positive and negative effects of each medication, and any other treatments you have received. It also is important to provide a complete list of all medications that you are currently taking. Medication interactions (drug-drug interactions) are extremely important, but can easily be missed without careful review.

Depending on the nature of the problem we are exploring, additional testing may be required. This can include computer-based testing and/or laboratory testing. Biological problems, such as mild traumatic brain injury, vitamin deficiencies, or chronic low level infections, can manifest as psychiatric symptoms. Past medical history, family history, lifestyle choices, and history of any head trauma also are explored. Psychiatric evaluations concludes with a discussion of the diagnosis, alternative diagnoses, and treatment plan. If medications are being considered, then the main effects, side effects, risks and benefits are carefully explained. Only after the patient states an understanding of the treatment plan and agreement with the treatment option, is a prescription written. A follow-up plan, additional testing, and other lifestyle recommendations are then made.

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